
Website traffic rank checker
Website traffic rank checker

  • Keyword: When you set the keyword of a page, it’s helpful to include the primary keyword in your URL.
  • In this step, our tool looks at the following factors:

    website traffic rank checker

    Next, our SEO analyzer tool checks your URL. The best part? It’ll highlight which files to compress. If it spots ways to improve your page speed, like by compressing your image files, it’ll notify you in your free SEO report. It’ll also look at all your site’s assets, from HTML to CSS to JavaScript. That’s why our SEO site checkup tool tests the speed of your page. In fact, more than 80 percent of users expect a website to load in two seconds or less - if the website takes longer, they’ll likely leave, which increases your bounce rate. The speed of your website not only matters to search engines but also to users.

    website traffic rank checker

    Our free SEO audit tool offers a comprehensive evaluation of several factors, including: Page speed

    Website traffic rank checker